Menu Choice attributes
accelerator (CwAccelerator)
The accumulator attribute specifies the accelerator key sequence for the part.
acceleratorText (String)
The acceleratorText attribute is the text displayed for the accelerator. The text is displayed to the right of the label string, icon, or bitmap.
When creating pull-down menus and pop-up menus, the string for the accelerator is displayed only for menu items and not for cascading menu items.
alignment (Integer)
The alignment attribute specifies that the text, icon, or bitmap can be aligned either left, right, or centered. On some platforms, the alignment for push buttons, toggle buttons, and cascade buttons cannot be set and is ignored. The possible values are as follows:
Left alignment
Right alignment
Center alignment
backgroundColor (String)
The backgroundColor attribute is the name of the RGB color for the background of the part.
borderWidth (Integer)
The borderWidth attribute is the width of the border, specified in pixels, that surrounds the part on all four sides. A width of zero means that a border does not show.
On some platforms, the border width is limited to 1 pixel and any nonzero value is set to 1.
converter (AbtConverter)
The converter attribute is an object that manages the conversion of other objects to and from their display format for certain visual parts, such as a Text part.
For many of the visual parts, you specify the type of data you want displayed for the part in the Data type field in the Settings window for the part. You can customize how you want this data to display.
disabledGraphicsDescriptor (AbtGraphicsDescriptor)
The disabledGraphicsDescriptor attribute is an icon, bitmap, or image used to indicate that the part is disabled. The labelType attribute must be an icon, bitmap, or image or the disabledGraphicsDescriptor attribute is ignored.
dragDropSpec (AbtDragDropSpec)
For more information on the dragDropSpec attribute, refer to Using the dragDropSpec attribute.
enabled (Boolean)
The enabled attribute specifies whether or not the part is available for selection. If true, the part's contents are available for selection.
fontName (String)
The fontName attribute is the name of the font to use for the text displayed in the part.
foregroundColor (String)
The foregroundColor attribute is the name of the RGB color for the foreground of the part.
framingSpec (AbtViewAttachmentConstraint)
The framingSpec attribute represents the values specified for the edge specifications of the part. The edge specifications determine the width, height, and position of the part.
graphicsDescriptor (AbtGraphicsDescriptor)
The graphicsDescriptor attribute is an icon, bitmap, or image that is used instead of text for the label. The labelType attribute must be XmPIXMAP or the graphicsDescriptor attribute is ignored.
helpFile (String)
The helpFile attribute is the name of the help file associated with the part.
helpKeysId (String)
The helpKeysId attribute is the ID of the keys help associated with the part. The ID can be a string or an integer value.
The ID must exist in the help file associated with the part.
helpTitle (String)
The helpTitle attribute is the title of the help window associated with the part.
helpTopicId (String)
The helpTopicId attribute is the ID of the help topic associated with the part. The ID can be a string or an integer value.
The ID must exist in the help file associated with the part.
label (String)
The label attribute is the label text for the part. The labelType must be XmSTRING or the label attribute is ignored.
labelMarginBottom (Integer)
The labelMarginBottom attribute is the amount of space between the label and the bottom margin.
labelMarginHeight (Integer)
The labelMarginHeight attribute is the amount of space between the label and the bottom edge of the top shadow and the top edge of the bottom shadow.
labelMarginLeft (Integer)
The labelMarginLeft attribute is the amount of space between the label and the left margin.
labelMarginRight (Integer)
The labelMarginRight attribute is the amount of space between the right margin and the label of the part.
labelMarginTop (Integer)
The labelMarginTop attribute is the amount of space between the label and the top margin.
labelMarginWidth (Integer)
The labelMarginWidth attribute is the amount of blank space between the label and the right edge of the left shadow and the left edge of the right shadow.
labelString (String)
The labelString attribute is the label of the part in string form.
For example, to dynamically display the string format of a number value, do the following:
a. Define the label with the Number data type.
b. Assign a value to the label.
c. Connect the labelString attribute to this label.
labelType (Integer)
The labelType attribute specifies the type of label you want. The possible values are as follows:
The string defined by labelString is displayed.
The graphic defined by graphicsDescriptor is displayed.
mappedWhenManaged (Boolean)
The mappedWhenManaged attribute specifies whether the part should be shown. If the part is currently shown, setting this attribute to false will hide the part. If the part is currently hidden, setting this attribute to true will show the part, if the parent part is shown.
mnemonic (Character)
The mnemonic attribute is a character that the user can type to select an item.
A mnemonic character is displayed with an underscore (_) and is usually used for buttons belonging to menus.
The object attribute is the data that the part represents. If the part represents non-string data, use this attribute; otherwise use the labelString or string attribute.
For example, you can use the object attribute with a converter to display the label of a button.
recomputeSize (Boolean)
The recomputeSize attribute specifies whether the part always attempts to exactly fit in the space provided a new text string, icon, or bitmap. If the recomputeSize attribute is set to true, when the label changes, the part changes size to include the new label.
self (<className>)
For more information on the self attribute, refer to Using the self attribute.
showAsDefault (Boolean)
The showAsDefault attribute shows the part with the default border.
tabGroup (Boolean)
The tabGroup attribute specifies whether or not the part is included as a tab stop so users can use the Tab and Backtab keys to access the part.
traversalOn (Boolean)
The traversalOn attribute specifies whether users can access the part using the cursor movement keys. If the part is specified as a tab stop by using the tabGroup attribute, users also can use the Tab and Backtab keys to access the part.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015