Common feature information
For each of these components, some common information exists that applies to many of the parts. The features comprise the part's public interface. You can add and remove features from a part's public interface using the Public Interface Editor.
Inheritance plays an important role in developing an object-oriented product. Many of the parts in the VA Smalltalk product are grouped together under a certain class definition and therefore inherit common attributes, events and actions from this parent class.
Sometimes, parts will inherit attributes, events, and actions that don't necessarily make sense for that part. As you work with the parts to build your applications, you will begin to understand which features are best used with the parts.
Two common attributes are presented in this section: dragDropSpec and self. Also, the unlisted features are discussed. Information about the other common features are included with the parts reference information. Once you learn how these features operate for one part, you learn how they operate for all parts.
Last modified date: 07/24/2020