DDE Server attributes
databaseRecords (OrderedCollection)
The databaseRecords attribute contains the records with the item and format specifications that define the public interface for the part.
executeString (String)
The executeString attribute is the string sent from one application to another application as a command.
lastTransferError (AbtError)
The lastTransferError attribute represents a string that describes the last error that occurred when attempting to transfer data to or from the server.
Transfer errors occur when the client cannot interpret the data from the server. Typical transfer errors include when the Smalltalk object that is received has a class which is not defined in the receiving image.
self (<className>)
For more information on the self attribute, refer to Using the self attribute.
serverName (String)
The serverName attribute specifies the server that the DDE Client part communicates with. The server name is usually, but not always, the actual name of the server application.
After a DDE client application is connected to a server, a new server cannot be selected without disconnecting and then connecting to the new server.
testMode (Boolean)
The testMode attribute specifies whether the server names are visible the client parts.
If true, the server names are visible to the client applications running in the same executable. If false, which is the default, it specifies that the client and server parts are in separate applications.
timeOut (Integer)
The timeOut attribute specifies the maximum amount of time in milliseconds that any request is allowed to take. The default value is 1000 milliseconds (one second).
If a request does not receive a response in the specified time-out period, the request is canceled. Whenever a new request is started with the server, the current time-out value is used for that request.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015