Programmer Reference : Pragmas : Annotation pragmas : Processing Annotation Pragmas : Accessing Annotation Pragma Components
Accessing Annotation Pragma Components
A few accessors for parts of a Pragma instance have already been mentioned and illustrated, but will be repeated here. There are accessors both for the annotation pragma itself and for its containing method.
Messages for accessing the method containing an annotation pragma are:
Returns the compiled method containing the annotation pragma.
Returns the class of the method containing the annotation pragma.
Returns the selector of the method containing the annotation pragma.
Messages for accessing the parts of the pragma itself are:
argumentAt: anInteger
Returns the argument at anInteger from the collection of arguments to the annotation pragma keywords.
Returns the collection of arguments to the annotation pragma.
Returns the keyword (selector) for the annotation pragma.
Returns a Message formed from the pragma keyword and arguments.
Returns the number of arguments.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015