Programmer Reference : UNIX inter-process communication : UNIX pipe stream : UNIX read pipe stream method specification
UNIX read pipe stream method specification
UNIXReadPipeStream methods are described in the following section.
UNIXReadPipeStream class methods
Answers a new, initialized instance of a UNIXReadPipeStream for the specified process.
UNIXReadPipeStream methods
Answers a Boolean that is true if the receiver cannot access any more objects, otherwise answers false.
Sets a Boolean that indicates whether or not the receiver will block on I/O operations. Answers the receiver.
Closes the receiver's associated UNIX pipe. If any unread information is available from the operating system, this is transferred to the receiver. Closes the operating system pipe. The receiver is no longer valid for fill operations. Answers the receiver.
Answers the current contents of the receiver as a String.
Answers the subcollection of the collection over which the receiver is streaming, from the first specified index to the last specified index. If the receiver is blocking, enough data is read to satisfy the request, or until atEnd is true. If the receiver is non-blocking, then it uses only currently available data.
Evaluates the specified block once for each element in the receiver, from the element after the current position to the end. If the receiver is blocking, data is read until atEnd is true. If the receiver is non-blocking then it uses only currently available data.
Guarantees that any pending data from the receiver's UNIX process has been flushed to the pipe stream. Answers the receiver.
Answers true if the receiver has been set to block on I/O, otherwise answers false.
Answers true if the receiver handles I/O data as bytes, otherwise answers false.
If flag is true, sets the receiver's I/O data type to bytes. If flag is false, sets the I/O data type to characters. Answers the receiver.
Answers true if the receiver answers I/O data as characters.
If flag is true, sets the receiver's I/O data type to characters. If flag is false, sets the I/O data type to bytes. Answers the receiver.
Answers true if the receiver pipe stream currently contains no elements, otherwise answers false.
Returns the line delimiter of the receiver.
Sets the line delimiter of the receiver.
Answers the next character accessible by the receiver and advances the receiver's position. Answers nil if the read would block. Reports an error if no data is available to be read.
Answers the next specified integer number of items from the receiver, returned in a collection of the same type as the collection being streamed over. If the receiver's state is such that there are fewer than the specified number of integer elements between its current position and the end of the stream, the operation fails, and the receiver is left in a state such that it answers true to the atEnd message.
Answers the elements between the current position and the next lineDelimiter.
Answers true if the next element which is accessible by the receiver is equal to the target, otherwise answers false.
Answers the next object in the receiver stream without advancing the receiver's position. If the receiver is positioned at the end, answers nil.
Answers true if the next object to be accessed in the receiver stream equals the specified byte or character, otherwise answers false. Only advances the receiver's position if the answers is true.
Answers the current position of the receiver.
Sets the current position of the receiver to the specified integer. If the position is out of bounds, sets the position to the closest valid position.
Positions the receiver to the beginning of the collection being streamed over. Answers the receiver.
Sets the receiver's position reference to be the size of the underlying contents. Answers the receiver.
Answers the number of elements in the receiver.
Increments the position of the receiver by the specified integer. Fails if the argument is not a kind of integer. Answers the receiver.
Advances the receiver's position beyond the next occurrence of the specified object, or if none, to the end of stream. Answers true if the object occurred, otherwise answers false.
skipTo: is a blocking operation.
Advances the receiver's position beyond the next occurrence of the elements of the sequential collection, or if none, to the end of stream. Answers true if the elements of the sequential collection occurred, otherwise answers false. Non-blocking streams operate on the currently available data.
Answers the collection of objects from the receiver starting with the next accessible object and up to but not including the specified object. Sets the position beyond the object. If the object is not present, answers the remaining elements of the stream. Non-blocking streams operate on the currently available data.
Answers the collection of objects from the receiver starting with the next accessible object and up to but not including the specified sequential collection. Sets the position beyond the sequential collection. If the sequential collection is not present, answers the remaining elements of the stream. Non-blocking streams operate on the currently available data.
Answers the subcollection of the collection over which the receiver is streaming, from the current position to the end of the accessible elements. Non-blocking streams operate on the currently available data.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015