SciSslContext Protocols
Represents the global context structure that is created by a server or client once per program life-time and which holds mainly default values for the SSL structures which are later created for individual SSL connections.
SciSslContext has the following instance methods:
Class methods: creation
Answers a new SciSslContext with TLS set as the default SSL method.
withMethod: anSslMethod
Answers a new SciSslContext using anSslMethod.
Instance methods:
addSession: anSciSslSession
Adds the session to the context's session cache.
Answer true if the session was added, false otherwise.
certificate: anSciSslX509Certificate
Sets the context's certificate to be the supplied SciSslX509Certificate object.
certificateChainFile: aCertificateChainFilename
Sets the context's certificate chain to be the certificate(s) found in aCertificateChainFilename.
The certificate must be in PEM format and must be sorted starting with the subject's certificate (actual client or server certificate), followed by intermediate CA certificates if applicable, and ending at the highest level (root) CA.
certificateFile: anX509CertificateFilename
Sets the context's certificate to be the certificate found in anX509CertificateFilename.
The file anX509CertificateFilename must be in PEM format.
cipherList: cipherListString
Sets the context's ordered SSL cipher preference list. The interpretation of cipherListString is implementation defined.
For OpenSSL, this is a constraint-based string which is enumerated in the OpenSSL documentation.
An example is 'ALL:!ADH:@STRENGTH' which says "Include all ciphers except NULL and anonymous DH and then sort these by strength.
clearOptions: options
Clears the options set via bitmask from the context. These options are implementation defined.
For OpenSSL, see all constants starting with SSL_OP in the SciSslConstants pool dictionary.
Removes all expired sessions.
flushSessions: expirationTimeObject
Removes sessions that are expired at the time defined by expirationTimeObject
Checks the consistency of the private key with the installed certificate(s) and
answers true if the consistency check passed.
privateKeyFile: pemFilename
Sets the privateKey used by the context to encrypt and decrypt data flowing over the SSL/TLS connection to be the first private key found in pemFilename.
removeSession: anSciSslSession
Removes the session anSciSslSession from the context's session cache.
rsaPrivateKeyFile: pemFilename
Sets the rsa privateKey used by the context to encrypt and decrypt data flowing over the SSL/TLS connection to be the first rsa private key found in pemFilename.
Get the current security level
securityLevel: anObject
Sets the current security level to the implementation defined object anObject
Answers the impl-defined context session cache mode aMode.
sessionCacheMode: aMode
Applies the impl-defined session cache mode aMode to the context.
The previous mode is answered
Answers the current session cache size (bytes)
sessionCacheSize: aSize
Sets the current session cache size to be aSize (bytes)
The previous cache size is answered.
Answer session cache statistics.
Gets the current timeout value for this context in seconds
sessionTimeout: seconds
Sets the current timeout value for this context to seconds
Sets the default path for verification
setOptions: options
Adds the options set via bitmask in options to this context implementation
verify: mode
Sets the verification mode to be used for the context.
verificationDepth: depth
Sets the maximum depth for the certificate chain verification that shall be allowed by the context.
Last modified date: 12/02/2016