Class methods: creation
socket: aFamily type: aType protocol: aProtocol
Creates a new socket in family aFamily of type aType and with protocol aProtocol. If successful, returns a new SciSocket.
The address family. The only currently supported option for parameter aFamily is AFINET which is the ARPA Internet address format
The socket type. The currently supported options for the parameter aType are:
Provides sequenced, reliable, two-way, connection-based byte streams with an out-of-band data transmission mechanism. Uses TCP for the Internet address family.
Supports datagrams, which are connectionless, unreliable buffers of a fixed (typically small) maximum length. Uses UDP for the Internet address family
Creates a new datagram socket in the AFINET family with IP as the protocol.
Creates a new stream socket in the AFINET family with IP as the protocol.
The protocol. The only currently supported option for parameter aProtocol is IP. This parameter sets the default protocol, which is automatically determined based on the aFamily and aType. i.e., with aFamily AFINET and aType of SOCKSTREAM the aType defaults to TCP. If aType is SOCKDGRAM, aType defaults to UDP.
Note that all sockets are created as blocking by default (see socket). The blocking/non-blocking attribute can be changed at any time with the ioctl operation. Operations on blocking sockets that will block (e.g., send, sendTo, recv, recvFrom, accept, connect and close) must be made from a Smalltalk process that can afford to block.
Blocking calls from the UI Process is not recommended as the User Interface will not available for the duration of the call. Blocking calls from the context of a callback are not allowed and will return the error EACCES.
The socket: aFamily type: aType protocol: aProtocol operation is unsucessful if any of the following errors occur: ENOTINITIALISED, ENETDOWN, EAFNOSUPPORT, EINPROGRESS, EMFILE, ENOBUFS, EPROTONOSUPPORT, EPROTOTYPE, ESOCKTNOSUPPORT. For detailed information on these errors, see Error values.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015