SCI classes
The classes depicted in the figure are described in the following sections. Their hierarchy is as follows:
Object Object is extended.
SciHostEnt Represents the hostent structure returned by the platform.
SciProtoEnt Represents the protoent structure returned by the platform.
SciServEnt Represents the servent structure returned by the platform.
SciSocketAddress Represents the sockaddr structure which includes address,family and port
SciLocalSocketAddress Represents the sockaddr_un structure which includes path and family.
Available only on UNIX platforms.
SciAbstractSocket Represents a socket and provides most of the services to create, manage
and use the socket.
SciSocket Represents a socket and provides service to create, manage and use the socket
SciLocalSocket Represents a local ipc socket and provides the services specific to
communication between processes. Available only on UNIX platforms.
SciSocketManager Singleton object to provide protocol for Database calls and the select call.
SciResult Contains collections of sockets as answered by the select call.
SciError Used to handle error information returned from the platform.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015