Programmer Reference : Drag and Drop : Drag and drop adapters
Drag and drop adapters
The hierarchy of drag and drop adapter classes is the following:
Class hierarchy
Defines common behavior for all adapters
Defines common behavior for all drag and drop sources
Defines a drag and drop source that uses an application-defined block to determine the drag source items
Defines a source adapter for EW container- style widgets
Defines a source adapter for EwIconArea widgets
Defines a source adapter for EwDrawnList widgets
Defines common behavior for all drag and drop targets
Defines a target adapter for EW container-style widgets
Defines a target adapter for EwIconArea widgets 
The Drag and Drop subsystem provides two kinds of adapters for use in drag and drop: source adapters and target adapters. The adapters serve as a wrapper around widgets, providing drag and drop callbacks that the widgets themselves do not provide.
An application should create a source adapter for each widget that an application designates as a drag and drop source.
An application creates one source adapter for each source widget as follows:
aSourceAdapter := EwSourceAdapter on: aWidget.
The source adapter provides the following callbacks for drag and drop source operations:
A drag has been started from the source widget.
The target or semantics of the drag have changed.
The drag and drop operation has completed.
The drag and drop operation was canceled or did not complete.
The application also should create a target adapter for each widget that is to be a target for drag and drop. The target adapter is created as follows:
aTargetAdapter := EwTargetAdapter on: aWidget
The target adapter provides the following callbacks for drag and drop target operations:
The mouse pointer is moving over the drag target widget.
The mouse pointer has left the drag target widget.
The drop operation was indicated over the drag target widget.
The drag and drop operation was canceled or did not complete.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015