Add pop-up menus
Add submenusAdd submenusTip: Copying menu choicesTip: Copying menu choicesExample: Add popup menusExample: Add popup menusDisplay message boxesDisplay message boxes
To add popup menus to a window:
1. Select Popup Menu, the Popup Menu part, from Menus category, the Menus category.
2. Click on the free-form surface.
3. Select Menu Choice, the Menu Choice part, and add menu choices to the popup menu.
4. Change the labels of the menu choices.
5. Connect the clicked event of each menu choice to some action so they perform a function when selected.
6. Connect the self attribute of the popup menu to the menu attribute of a form or list. This enables the popup menu to be displayed when a user presses mouse button 2 on the form or list. (For UNIX use mouse button 3.)
Last modified date: 08/14/2019