How Do I ... : Work with databases : Work with stored procedures : Complete stored procedure fields
Complete stored procedure fields
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Complete fields in the Stored Procedure Specification Settings window as follows:
Type a valid Smalltalk method name for the stored procedure specification. VA Smalltalk uses this name to identify the stored procedure specification. Each stored procedure specification requires a unique name. If you change the name of an existing stored procedure specification, a new one is created with the new name, and the old continues to exist too. After you define your new stored procedure specification, its name appears in the Stored Procedure Spec Name field when you return to the Stored Procedure Settings window.
Type a description of the function of the stored procedure application. The information in this field is not required. After you create and apply a new stored procedure specification, the description that you type in this field appears in the Stored Procedure Settings window.
Procedure name
For DB2, type the file name of your stored procedure application (the DLL or CMD file to be run). This file name specifies the application to be run when the executeStoredProc action of the Stored Procedure part is signalled.
For ODBC and ORACLE, this field is a combo box. ODBC and ORACLE can query the database to retrieve procedure names. Select the procedure name from this list.
If you use ORACLE and you have defined stored procedures in packages, then those stored procedures will not show up in the combo box. You can type the procedure name into this field as <package>.procedure. Replace package with the package name and procedure with the procedure name.
Input variables
If the stored procedure application uses the input SQLDA parameter, define the fields of the SQLDA in this field as follows:
a. Place the mouse pointer in this field and press button 2 to display the field's pop-up menu. You can add, edit, or delete variables.
b. Make your selection from the menu and define the input field in the host variable dialog that displays.
Output variables
If the stored procedure application uses the output SQLDA parameter, define the fields of the SQLDA in this field. You can use the host variable dialog from this field to set data types for your output variables.
This field is disabled if you use the SQL call type.
For SQL call, all parameters are defined using the Input variables field.
For ODBC and ORACLE, the input and output variable fields are combined into one field called Input/output variables. These database managers can automatically query the database for parameter shapes and display the parameters in this list. Select Get schema from the field's pop-up menu to query the database for parameters.
Last modified date: 08/13/2019