How Do I ... : Work with databases : Connect to a database manager : Add a connection specification to an access set
Add a connection specification to an access set
Create a connection specificationCreate a connection specificationNo tip for this topicNo example for this topicEstablish a database connection using the connection specificationEstablish a database connection using the connection specification
When you create a new connection specification as part of your application development process, VA Smalltalk adds the specification to your access set for you. But you can also use connection specifications that were created outside of your application and add them to your access set.
After you create an access set and a connection specification, putting them together is easy:
1. In the top portion of the Database connection specifications window, select the connection specification that you want to use.
2. Select <<Add to add the connection specification to the access set.
If your application has more than one access set, the New database connection specification window displays so that you can select the access set to add the connection specification to.
Last modified date: 08/12/2019