How Do I ... : Build the finished software product : Get the files I need to ship with the packaged image
Get the files I need to ship with the packaged image
Package my application into a runtime imagePackage my application into a runtime imageNo tips for this topicNo example for this topicHow do I main menuHow do I main menu
To distribute your application to others, you need to send them the executable (the runtime image) and files needed for running it, such as the startup executable and ESVM40.DLL.
You also must send them any .DLL, .MPR, .CAT, or other files that enable your packaged application to operate properly. If your application uses a VA Smalltalk feature, you'll need to send them several of these additional files.
For more information on redistributing files, and a list of files needed to package VA Smalltalk applications, see the VA Smalltalk web page under Redistributable Runtime Files. For a list of VAST Applications which can be redistributed see the website under Redistributable VAST Applications.
Last modified date: 08/12/2019