How Do I ... : Work with databases : Use the SELECT Details window : Create, edit, or delete a computed column
Create, edit, or delete a computed column
Select or deselect multiple columnsSelect or deselect multiple columnsNo tip for this topicNo example for this topicSpecify a computed columnSpecify a computed column
Creating a computed column  
To create a computed column in the Computed columns list:
1. Make sure you have selected the tables and views you want to include in the FROM clause.
2. From the Computed columns pop-up menu, select Create.
3. In the Computed Column Details window, specify the computed column and select Apply.
Editing a computed column  
To edit an existing computed column in the Computed columns list:
1. Make sure you have selected the tables and views you want to include in the FROM clause.
2. From the Computed columns pop-up menu, select Edit and then the computed column you want to edit.
3. In the Computed Column Details window, specify the computed column, and select Apply.
Deleting a computed column  
To delete a computed column in the Computed columns list, from the Computed columns pop-up menu, select Delete and then the computed column you want to delete.
Last modified date: 08/13/2019