VAST user interface parts
When constructing user interfaces, it is difficult to determine exactly which controls best fit your needs. The following list describes all of the visual parts you can use, from the parts palette, to lay out a graphical user interface.
A number of additional VAST parts are available. Only those parts that are used for the basic construction of an application user interface are listed here.
Buttons category Buttons category icon
Push Button icon Push Button
Provides a choice that is activated when a user selects it.
Toggle Button icon Toggle Button
Provides a properties choice with two clearly distringuishable states from which a user can select. This is also known as a check box.
Radio Buttonn Set icon Radio Button Set
Provides a set of mutually exclusive choices from which a user can select only one.
Scale icon Scale
Provides a continuous range of values from which a user can select.
Slider icon Slider
Provides a continuous range of values from which a user can select along with displaying multiple scales.
Hot Spot icon Hot Spot
Provides an invisible push button that you can place over images on forms. In Windows, Hot Spots can also be placed over other visual parts in your user interface.
Progress Bar icon Progress Indicator
Provides the means to graphically depict the progress of an operation by filling a progress area with small, solid rectangles.
Data Entry category Data Entry category icon
Text icon Text
Provides a field that enables a user to type a single line of text. This is also known as an entry field.
Formatted Text icon Formatted Text
Provides a field that enables a user to type a single line of text in a specified format.
Multi-line Edit icon Multi-line Edit
Provides a field that enables a user to type multiple lines of text. This is also known as a multiple-line entry field.
Label icon Label
Displays static text or graphic information.
Form Input Checker icon Form Input Checker
Provides a nonvisual part that can be used to validate user input.
Spin Button icon Spin Button
Provides a field where a user can either type a value in the field or scroll through a pre-determined set of values.
Lists category Lists category icon
List icon List
Provides a list of items from which a user can select only a single item.
Multiple Select List icon Multiple Select List
Provides a list of items from which a user can select one or more items.
Drop-down List icon Drop-down List
Provides a hidden list that lets the user select an item.
Combo Box icon Combo Box
Provides a text field and a hidden list. The text field lets a user type a value, and the hidden list lets the user select an item.
Spin Button icon Spin Button
Provides a field where a user can either type a value in the field or scroll through a predetermined set of vaues.
Container Icon Area icon Container Icon Area
Provides a container in which users can manipulate objects that are displayed in no particular order or position.
Container Icon List icon Container Icon List
Provides a container in which users can manipulate objects that are displayed in a single list format.
Container Flowed Icon List icon Container Flowed Icon List
Provides a container in which users can manipulate objects that are displayed in a flowed icon list format.
Container Icon Tree Container Icon Tree
Provides a container in which users can manipulate objects that are displayed in a tree format.
Container Details icon Container Details
Provides a container in which users can manipulate objects that are displayed in a format that shows multiple columns of information for each object.
Container Details Tree icon Container Details Tree
Provides a container in which users can manipulate objects that are displayed in a format that shows multiple columns of information for each object and is displayed in a tree format.
Packeting Container Details icon Packeting Container Details
Provides a container in which users can manipulate objects that are displayed in a format that shows multiple columns of information for each object. If database packeting is enabled, packeting container details is used to assist in the management of packets of information resulting from a database query.
Container Details Column icon Container Details Column
Provides a column that you can add to either the Container Details or Container Details Tree parts.
Menus category Menus category icon
Menu Bar icon Menu Bar
Provides a menu bar to contain menu bar items.
Menu Bar Item icon Menu Bar Item
Provides a menu bar choice that displays a pull-down menu when the user selects it.
Popup Menu icon Popup Menu
Provides a pop-up menu or a pull-down menu that you can associate with a part, a menu bar Item, or a Menu Cascade part.
Menu Choice icon Menu Choice
Provides a menu choice for either a pop-up menu or Menu Bar.
Menu Cascade icon Menu Cascade
Provides a menu choice that displays a cascaded menu when a user selects it. This is also known as a cascading menu choice.
Menu Toggle icon Menu Toggle
Provides a menu choice with two clearly distinguishable states from which a user can select. This is also known as a checkable menu choice.
Separator Separator
Displays a graphical line for separating menu choices. This part can also be used to display horizontal or vertical lines within your user interface.
Canvas category Canvas category icon
Window icon Window
Provides a window with a frame border that can contain other visual parts.
Form icon Form
Provides an area that can contain other visual parts, but has no frame border. It can be embedded in a Window part.
Group Box icon Group Box
Provides an area that displays a rectangular box for grouping related visual parts.
Scrolled Window icon Scrolled Window
Provides an area that can be scrolled by the user and can contain one visual part, typically a Form part.
PM Notebook icon PM Notebook
Provides an area that resembles a bound notebook and consists of pages that can contain other visual parts. It has the same appearance as an OS/2 Presentation Manager notebook.
Windows Notebook icon Windows Notebook
Provides an area that resembles a bound notebook and consists of pages that can contain other visual parts. It has the same appearance as a Windows notebook.
Notebook Page Notebook Page
Provides a notebook page that you can add to either of the notebook parts.
Win32 Common Controls Win32 Common Controls icon
The Windows versions of VAST Platform include a category for platform specific controls. These controls should not be used if you must achieve application portability between Windows and other platforms supported by VAST Platform such as any UNIX platform.
The Win32 Common Controls are only supported on the Windows platforms.
Track Bar icon Track Bar
Provides the user with the ability to select a discrete value or a set of consecutive values within a range.
Date and Time Picker
Provides the user with the ability to select date and time.
Calendar icon Calendar
Provides the user with the ability to select a date.
Progress Bar icon Progress Bar
Provides the means to graphically depict the progress of an operation by filling a progress area with small, solid rectangles.
Tab Strip icon Tab Strip
Provides the capability to create tabbed dialog boxes when used in conjunction with the Tab control.
Tab icon Tab
Is used as a component of the Tab Strip to create tabbed dialog boxes.
Tree View icon Tree View
Provides the capability to display information as a hierarchy.
Tool Bar icon Tool Bar
Provides the capability to create a tool bar when used in conjunction with the Tool Button.
Tool Button icon Tool Button
Is used as a component of the Tool Bar to create a tool bar.
Tool Separator Button icon Tool Separator Button
Separates tool buttons when used in conjunction with the Tool Bar and Tool Button controls.
Status Bar icon Status Bar
Provides the capability to create a status bar that can be used to display various kinds of status information. A status bar may contain a maximum of sixteen Status Panes.
Status Panel icon Status Panel
Is used in conjunction with the Status Bar to display various kinds of status information and messages such as those related to the state of your application.
Rebar icon Rebar
Provides the capability to create a rebar when used in conjunction with the Band.
Band icon Band
Is used as a component of the Rebar to create a rebar.
Prompters category Prompters category icon

Message Prompter icon Message Prompter
Provides a dialog to display information or to obtain confirmation from a user.
Text Prompter icon Text Prompter
Provides a dialog to solicit text information from the user that can be returned to the VA Smalltalk application.
File Selection Prompter icon File Selection Prompter
Provides a ready-made file open or save dialog that can be used to access the operating environment file system.
Last modified date: 02/24/2021