ENVY/QA User Guide : Code Publisher : Code Publisher Settings Dialog
Code Publisher Settings Dialog
You can customize the contents of your document using the Code Publisher Settings dialog shown below.
C:\Users\documentation\Documents\vastePublisher\stable\VAS Documentation Word\images\eqa\fig11.png
Figure 11 — Code Publisher Settings dialog.
The Code Publisher Settings dialog groups publishing options into the categories shown in the following table.
Options defining
which application elements to include
which class elements to include
which method elements to include
Cross reference
which cross-references to include
general options that apply to the entire document
Table 27 — Groupings of publisher options.
To select specific publishing options:
1. In the Code Publisher Output Options dialog, select Settings..., or from the Transcript, select Tool Settings > Publish....
2. Select a category in the left list.
The list on the right shows check boxes for each publishing option in that category.
3. Do one of the following:
Desired result
enable all options in a category
click All
disable all options in a category
click None
enable/disable specific options
click individual check boxes
reset to their default values all options in all categories
click Reset All
Table 28 — Enabling publisher options.
4. Click OK to accept the selected publisher options or Cancel to abort the selection.
Last modified date: 05/20/2020