File Menu
This menu is the same as existing development browsers.
Edit Menu
This menu is the same as existing development browsers.
Applications Menu
Save Setup...
Saves to the previous file the set of loaded applications and the set of ignored methods. If this is the first save operation, this option prompts for a filename.
This option is enabled when changes made to the browser have not been saved.
Save Setup As...
Saves to a new file the set of loaded applications and the set of
ignored methods.
Load Setup...
Loads a previously saved Code Coverage setup file.
Summary Info...
Displays summary information (user’s name, time and date, and comment) for the coverage results.
Export Report
Exports the results to a file.
As Text...
Exports the results to a text file.
As Spreadsheet...
Exports the results to a spreadsheet file; fields are separated by
comma or tab.
Print Report...
Prints the results.
Browse Application
Opens an Application Browser on the selected application.
Browse Methods
Displays a submenu with the following options. After one of the options is selected, a Methods Browser opens that contains a filtered set (see below) of all methods from all applications loaded in the Code Coverage Browser.
Opens a Methods Browser with all methods that have been executed (tested).
Opens a Methods Browser with all methods that have not been executed (untested).
Opens a Methods Browser with all methods that have been ignored.
Displays a submenu of options to add components.
Adds one or more applications to the Code Coverage Browser.
Application Hierarchy...
Adds one or more applications and their subapplications to the Code Coverage Browser.
Adds one or more subapplications to the Code CoverageBrowser.
Configuration Map...
Adds to the Code Coverage Browser the applications of a chosen configuration map.
Displays a submenu with options to remove selected applications.
Removes the selected applications and their subapplications from the Code Coverage Browser.
Configuration Map...
Removes from the Code Coverage Browser the applications and subapplications of the selected configuration map.
Ignore Application...
Ignores all methods in the selected applications.
Restore Application...
Restores all ignored methods in the selected applications.
Displays a submenu with options to reset methods to the untested state.
Resets to the untested state all methods in the selected applications.
All Applications...
Resets to the untested state all methods in all applications.
Verbose Dialogs
Toggles whether dialogs are verbose or terse. You should use verbose dialogs nitially; when you become familiar with Code Coverage, you can switch to terse dialogs.
Updates the browser to reflect changes made to its applications, classes, and methods.
Last modified date: 06/30/2015