Domino Connection : Advanced Topics : Using the remote console
Using the remote console
Domino Connection supports sending commands to a remote server console. It is required that your user ID has the appropriate access rights for the server. Accessing the remote console is like working on the text-mode interface of a server. You enter commands in the control language syntax and usually receive a return message. The remote console function is implemented in AbtLnEnvironment. Use the remoteConsoleCommand:forServer: to send a command string to a given server. You receive a synchronous response string from the server.
Here is a sample how to find out what users are logged on to a certain server.
| answerString |
"Startup runtime system"
AbtLnEnvironment startUp.
"Send a command to the remote console on the mail server "
answerString :=
AbtLnEnvironment remoteConsoleCommand: 'Show users'
forServer: (AbtLnConnection mailServer server).
"Look at the value returned by the console"
answerString inspect.
"Shutdown runtime system"
AbtLnEnvironment shutDown.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015