Domino Connection : VA Smalltalk classes and parts
VA Smalltalk classes and parts
VA Smalltalk Domino Connection offer a convenient way to create VA Smalltalk applications accessing Domino data and applications. The parts provided with this feature cover all essential functions of a Domino application. They can easily be enhanced by advanced features using the underlying Smalltalk classes.
Form part (AbtNotesFormPart)
The non-visual AbtNotesFormPart models the properties of a Domino form and offers additional functions.
An AbtNotesFormPart can be tied to a defined Domino database on a specified server through its settings pages and can retrieve its default field definitions from an existing Domino form. In addition, you can specify extra fields of any type within a form part. It is available from the parts palette and allows tear-off of the current document and presents convenient quickform features. The public interface offers actions and events to manage creating and storing of documents. Usually, a AbtNotesFormPart is used in conjunction with an AbtNotesViewPart.
Note part (AbtNotesNotePart)
A non-visual AbtNotesNotePart represents an actual Domino document. It is capable of holding data fields of various types. The note part is not available from the parts palette but can be created as a tear-off from an AbtNotesFormPart.
View part (AbtNotesViewPart)
Non-visual AbtNotesViewParts represent Domino views in the form a tree-like data structure. An AbtNotesViewPart can be found in the Composition Editor and must be associated to a specified Domino database view through its setting pages. Given the association, the AbtNotesViewPart offers actions to gather information on the Domino view's format, for example the number of columns, column titles, or column attributes. Most important, you can tear off the viewTable attribute (AbtNotesViewTablePart) to represent the selection of documents and get a quickform for a columnar display.
Iterator part (AbtNotesViewIteratorPart)
The non-visual AbtNotesViewIteratorPart can help model applications that freely navigate a Domino view step-by-step. Among other actions, there are protocols to jump to the next document in a view or to change category levels. It is not available from the parts palette but can be torn off an AbtNotesViewPart.
Database part (AbtNotesDatabasePart)
To provide a part that essentially represents a Domino database, there is the AbtNotesDatabasePart. It can be tied to a local or remote Domino database or application by its settings page and may be used as a starting point for the creation of a visually built application that uses multiple forms and views of a Domino database. The part can gather information about the database's design and offers other valuable public interfaces.
Mail part (AbtNotesMailPart)
To take advantage of the mailing system built into Domino, use the AbtNotesMailPart. The mail part can be configured to access the user's mail database. In that respect it is similar to the form part. It also can be connected to the mail box database and will pass documents to the Domino mail routing facility.
Addressbook part (AbtNotesAddressBookPart)
To make mail addressing easy for the user, you can set up an AbtNotesAddressBookPart. The part is a special form of a view part that can be connected to Domino's names and address book to present a point and click list of valid recipients for your mail part.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015