Tear off a result table
A VA Smalltalk multi-row query part contains several attributes, including the name of a database, the name of a query, and the results of that query. To expose the results of a query as a stand-alone part, you tear off the result table attribute. To tear off the attribute:
1. From the Multi-row Query part's pop-up menu, select Tear-Off Attribute and then select resultTable. This loads the cursor with a new part that represents the query result table.
2. Place the new part on the free-form surface. The new part is a resultTable part, which holds the result rows of the query after the query is run.
3. Using the resultTable part, perform a similar tear-off action to expose the currentRow attribute of the result table. This part holds the current row of the result table part.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015