Working with database managers
The following examples show ways to retrieve active database managers. For these samples to work properly, you need to have at least one active database connection.
"Return the current active database manager. If
there is none, return nil. If there is more than one,
return the first one activated."
AbtDbmSystem activeDatabaseMgr.
"Return an AbtOrderedDictionary with all active
database managers."
AbtDbmSystem activeDatabaseMgrs.
"Return the active database manager with the
given name."
AbtDbmSystem activeDatabaseMgrWithName: #AbtIbmCliDatabaseManager.
"Return an ordered collection with the names of all
available database manager classes."
AbtDbmSystem availableDatabaseMgrClasses.
"Return true if there is at least one active database
manager; return false if there is not."
AbtDbmSystem isDatabaseMgrActive.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015