What to watch for
When your application has more than one database query, choose one of the query parts to control all of your commit or rollback actions. Make connections to the apply or cancel actions for all of the queries, but only make commitTransaction or rollbackTransaction connections for the one query part (for each database connection) that controls your database transactions.
After a commitTransaction or rollbackTransaction is done, the data in the result table part is no longer reliable, so performing further updates can cause unpredictable results.
If you test your applications and your queries do not seem to be returning the expected results, you might need to disconnect from the database manager and then reconnect. VA Smalltalk database support uses a resource cache to save prepared cursors, allowing the code to reuse rather than recreate SQL cursors each time a query is run. If the structure of a table changes while a database manager is active, then the resource cache can fall out of sync with the table. To correct this, clear the database resource cache by disconnecting from the database manager and then connecting again.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015