Using MVS CICS options
The CICS Proc Dialog part now provides several options that you can use to help optimize performance when communicating with CICS Transaction Server on MVS. To access these options, open the settings of a CICS Proc Dialog part and go to the MVS page.
The following options are available:
Net Name
The name of a specific pipe you want to use for the connection. Use this field if you want your application to use a dedicated pipe. (The pipe you specify must be defined in your CICS setup; see your CICS documentation for more information.) This field is optional; if you do not specify a net name, VA Smalltalk will use the default pipe.
The Net Name field applies only if you also select Use EXCI Interface.
Comm Area Input Data Length
The length of the input data within the COMMAREA. Specifying the input data length can help to optimize performance if the amount of data being passed is small. This field is optional.
Unit Of Work Name
The name of the unit of work for the transaction. This field is optional.
Use EXCI Interface
Specifies whether you want to use the CICS EXCI interface. This interface can help to optimize performance for high-volume connections because it avoids the overhead of initializing, allocating, and opening a pipe for each call.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015