Using the RPC system layer
RPC is a transactional system that requires an input and output record for each client request. In many cases the output and input record will differ in their content. Since VA Smalltalk requires the Proc Dialog input and output record to be the same record instance, the RPC system layer provides the ability to define different record types.
For the RPC communication protocol, there are two parts that work together to implement a network communication link: the RPC Client and the Connection Spec.
RPC Client
A RPC Client represents a request to a remote RPC Server. Its attributes, actions, and events enable the VA Smalltalk application to make a transactional request to a RPC server, and monitor its status.
RPC Connection Spec
A RPC Connection Spec part represents the specification needed to communicate with one RPC Server program. It defines the name or address of the remote machine and the protocol-specific details necessary to set up a connection. A RPC Client must be provided with a RPC Connection Spec in order to make a network connection.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015