Adding and defining procedure dialogs
Procedure dialogs exist for each of the protocols that VA Smalltalk supports. To add and define procedure dialogs do the following:
1. Select the appropriate parts category for the protocol you want to use:
MQ Series
2. Select the Procedure Dialog part in the category you selected.
3. Add the selected part to an open area of the free-form surface.
4. To specify connection details and record formats, double-click on the Procedure Dialog part to open the Settings window:
The Settings windows enable you to specify protocol-specific communication parameters for the appropriate type of network connection:
5. On these Settings windows, you must specify the format of the record that is passed to and returned from the server using the Records tab to specify the following:
The type of source code (C or COBOL) and the name of the file containing the source code that describes the record
The record format expected by the remote program you plan to communicate with.
Last modified date: 02/27/2018