RPC Client Attributes
connectionSpec (<className>)
The connectionSpec attribute represents the list of attributes that define the partner and the session.
The functionNumber attribute specifies the number of the server procedure that the client is to start.
inputRecord (String)
The inputRecord attribute represents the record the client uses as input to the server.
isConnected (Boolean)
The isConnected attribute represents whether the server is currently connected.
lastError (AbtRPCError)
The lastError attribute is the last error that occurred. You can tear off the lastError attribute to access the error information.
outputRecord (String)
The outputRecord attribute represents the record the client uses as output from the server.
self (<className>)
The self attribute represents the part itself, and you cannot change the basic definition of a part. In general, the self attribute is a read-only attribute, and is used for passing a value or values to another part. It is not used for receiving any values.
For example, you can connect the self attribute of an Ordered Collection part to the items attribute of a List part. The Ordered Collection part does not change to a different type of part because of the connection. Instead, the Ordered Collection part populates the List part with the items that it contains.
You can use the self attribute in an attribute-to-attribute connection, as a parameter in an event-to-action connection, or wherever an attribute can be used.
timeOut (Integer)
The timeOut attribute specifies the maximum amount of time in milliseconds that any request is allowed to take. The default value is 1000 milliseconds (one second).
If a request does not receive a response in the specified time-out period, the request is canceled. Whenever a new request is started with the server, the current time-out value is used for that request.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015