Specifying function-call details
On the last page of a Proc Dialog's settings, you must specify the format of the record that will be passed to, and returned from, the server. To specify the record format, you must provide VA Smalltalk with a C header (.H) or COBOL copybook file that declares the record.
To define the record format, do the following:
1. Go to the Records page of the Proc Dialog's settings.
2. Select the COBOL or C radio button to indicate which type of source code the file contains.
3. In the File name field, type the name of the C header file or COBOL copybook file declaring the data types or records used by the external function. (If you don't remember the file name, select the Find push button to see a list of files from which you can choose.)
4. Select the Parse push button. VA Smalltalk examines the contents of the file and identifies the data types and functions declared in the file. The names of all the COBOL record formats or C data types declared in the file appear in the list box.
5. Select the record format that is expected by the remote function.
6. Select OK when complete.
The record you selected now appears on the External Function part's public interface, where its field values can be set and retrieved by other parts in the application.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015