CPI-C Receive Buffer Events
The changed event signals that data has changed.
The confirmReceived event signals that a local TP received a confirmation message from the partner.
The deallocateReceived event signals that a local TP received a deallocation message from the partner.
The destroyedPart event signals that the part and its children have been destroyed. Any system resources associated with the destroyed parts have been released.
The requestToSendReceived event signals that the partner TP requests the local TP to give it permission to send data. The partner wants to switch half of a duplex conversation so that partner is in send mode and local is in receive mode. Local TP can ignore this request if it so chooses.
The sendReceived event signals that the partner TP sent the local TP the permission to send data and the partner TP is now in the receive state.
The stateChanged event signals that the state of the part changed.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015