Action selector
The Action selector field specifies the name of the method that is performed when the action takes place. This can be the same as the action name.
If you select the Add with defaults or Defaults push button, the action selector name will be the action name with all blank spaces removed. Any letter that follows a blank will be capitalized. For example, if an action name in an order entry application is get next order, then the default action selector is getNextOrder.
The field includes a drop-down list. You can assign any of these existing methods names as the action selector.
If you use a name for the action selector that is not the name of an existing method, you can create default code for the method using the Generate Default Scripts function under the File menu. Generate Default Scripts creates an empty method. You can add additional function to the method using the Script Editor. If you provide an action selector name and do not use Generate Default Scripts, you have to define the method in order for the part to work correctly. This can be done using the Script Editor.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015