Use the Converters window to select a data type converter to be used by the part. Each converter has different customizable properties. The available converters are:
Holds a true or false value.
A single character value.
A date value, including year, month, and day.
A double-byte character string (DBCS). Languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean use DBCS values.
A decimal value.
A floating point number.
A whole integer value.
A currency value.
A numeric value, including decimals.
A United States of America social security number.
A character string.
A time value, including hours, minutes, and seconds.
A timestamp, displayed as a date, time, or date and time.
A full name or two-character postal abbreviation of a state in the United States of America.
A USA postal Zip code value, in either 5-digit or 9-digit (Zip plus 4) format.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015