Server Smalltalk Guide : Communications : Endpoints : Equivalence between endpoints
Equivalence between endpoints
Local endpoints are quite different from remote endpoints. Remote endpoints are true locators: they uniquely identify some remote location to which messages can be sent or from which messages are received. Local endpoints, however, are used to identify the location at which to wait for incoming messages. This distinction is important: you must not use local endpoints in place of a remote endpoint.
With some transports, it is possible for there to be multiple names which all identify the same endpoint. It is necessary to be able to generate all these true locators for a local endpoint. The locators are generated using accessibleUrls. The result of this method is a collection of all the exposed identifying names (as URLs) of a local endpoint. These URLs could be sent to other machines and used by them to build remote endpoints which can be then used to contact the local endpoint.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015