Contexts for method invocation
CORBA permits the specification of operations in IDL with associated contexts. These contexts are essentially collections of string-to-string mappings. Contexts can be nested in a single-inheritance hierarchy so that mappings in a child context can override those in a parent context.
SST provides support for these objects through the SstIdlContext class, and operations that implement the CORBAContext protocol. The SstIdlContext class provides the essential facilities available in the CORBA::Context interface.
A context object is set initially by--
| context |
context := SstIdlContext new.
"User-specifed operations to set string-to-string mappings go here"
Processor activeProcess corbaContext: context
When marshaling an operation to be performed on some object, if the operation requires context information to be transmitted, SST expects to find a context object containing bindings for the given mapping keys.
When executing the body of a method for which context information was specified in the IDL definition, you can find the context mappings by finding the context object and then using the lookup operations provided. This context object is found by executing--
Processor activeProcess corbaContext.
An example of the use of contexts is given in SstPingPongIiopContext. Note that the CORBA documentation remarks, though use of context information is supported still, its use is deprecated.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015