Handler configuration registry
The system maintains a registry of invocation handler configurations. The keys in the registry correspond to valid URL schemes. Therefore, the URL myScheme:/tcp/foo.com:8096 indicates that there is a handler conforming to the handler configuration named myScheme running port 8096 of the machine named foo.com. Applications which define their own handler configurations should register them and use the registered name in their URLs to ensure that they communicate only with compatible invocation handlers.
The configuration registry is managed by SstInvocationHandler class and is accessed through the following API:
configurationFor: url
Answers a configuration object which is suited for use on @url or nil if one cannot be found.
register: configuration asScheme: scheme
Adds the mapping @scheme > @configuration to the scheme mappings.
unregisterScheme: scheme
Removes the configuration corresponding to @scheme from the receiver's list of configurations. Returns the configuration removed or nil if none was found.
SST provides a number of standard configuration templates. The instance methods to generate them are in the SstInvocationConfiguration class with the name *Configuration. The prefix identifies a particular category of invocation handler. For example, byReferenceConfiguration returns a copy of the default by-reference invocation configuration scheme.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015